The Acupressure Therapy is applied Acupressure, based on Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine.
This modality is a medical therapy and consists of acupressure on the meridians, connected to the internal organs. Acupressure, rotations and stretching accelerate lymphatic, blood circulation and neurological balance, reducing inflammation to promote faster and safer healing.
Meridians are paths or channels connecting the whole body. Through them it is possible to reach and stimulate the internal organs, giving them more energy, or eliminating excesses or deficiencies, depending on the case, balancing the imbalances that occur due to bad eating habits and lifestyle, lack of physical rest, stress, and the excess of work, etc.
The Acupressure Therapist will oversee and evaluate to determine the treatment tailored to the patient's needs.
Acupressure Therapy is performed by a licensed and certified Oriental Medicine Doctor.
Acupressure Therapy
60 MIN for $95
90 MIN for $140
120 MIN for $180
First Time Client Only
90 MIN for $119
60 MIN package of 4---- $350
60 MIN package of 10--- $850
90 MIN package of 6---- $800
yoga * Massage * Kung Fu
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